Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How to print Gmail email without header information

First click on the printer button

Click cancel when prompted

Go to Developer Tools

Once you in Deveoper tools mode, you will notice there is a new pane below that show all the HTML code. Expand bodycontainer div class, when you mouse over the first table element, you will notice the section on top will be highlighted as well. This means that particular HTML code is the one that generated the highlighted section. Delete this table element.

And you will notice that Gmail header is no longer there.

Repeat these steps with other element such as

hr - to remove the seperator
first table element under maincontent div class - to remove message header
first and second tr element under message table - to remove sender and receipeint email.

After deleting the unwanted header information, you will get a clean message content. And you can proceed to print it.