Thursday, October 29, 2009

Can't initialize IBM DS4800 LUN under Windows 2003


You create 2 LUNs from IBM and assign it to one Windows host. You have no problem initialize the first LUN but when it comes to second LUN, Windows will prompt message saying "The operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error" and you are unable to initialize.

When you go the Event viewer, the viewer shows "The device....disappeared from the system without first being prepared for removal"

The problem might be because you allocate the LUN to the different controller that you connect to your host as shown in the diagram below.

So to solve this, you can set the Ownership/Preferred Path to Controller in Slot A. Take note that if you only have one LUN and you allocate to controller that is not connected to your host. You might not even see the LUN from your host at all.

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