Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Load Brocade CNA driver for Openfiler

1. Download the rpm package from Brocade website. Choose the "Linux - Other Distributions".
2. Perform the following steps to extract the bna files (Ethernet package) out from the rpm package

rpm2cpio bna_driver_linux- > temp-file.cpio
cpio -idumv < temp-file.cpio

3. You should be able to see a usr folder in your working path. Copy all the files inside ./usr/src/bna folder to the /usr/src/.

cp ./usr/src/bna /usr/src/ -R

4. Go to /usr/src/bna and execute make.
5. After that, you should be able to locate a file call bna.ko in the /usr/src/bna directory.
6. Run insmod bna.ko to install the module and then you have your Ethernet driver loaded successfully.

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